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Collision Info

Player Collision

The state of a player’s collision is represented by an AdvCollisionInfo instance. This object at a base level is constructed of the following parts:

  • Whether the player is in wind or not - accessed via the IsInWind() property, which checks if wind is enabled and if the player isn’t colliding with a NoWindBlock
  • A SlopeType property, indicating the type of slope the player is colliding with. SlopeType.None by default.
  • A SlopeNormal property, indicating the normal vector of the slope the player is colliding with. Vector2.Zero by default.
  • A collection of blocks that the player is colliding with. A specific block type can be checked using the IsCollidingWith<T>() function (eg, IsCollidingWith<SandBlock>()). A list of all collided blocks can be accessed via the GetCollidedBlocks() and the GetCollidedBlocks<T>() functions (eg. GetCollidedBlocks<SandBlock>())

There are a number of helper functions to allow easy checking of base block types, such as the Snow, Sand, or Water properties.

A collision info object can be accessed a number of ways, but the most easily achieved is the CheckCollision or GetCollisionInfo functions of the ICollisionQuery interface. This can be obtained through the LevelManager.Instance singleton.

// Get the info about the current collision
ICollisionQuery collisionQuery = LevelManager.Instance;
AdvCollisionInfo collision = collisionQuery.GetCollisionInfo(bodyComp.GetHitbox());

// or alternatively check if there's a collision then respond to the info
if (collisionQuery.CheckCollision(bodyComp.GetHitbox(), out Rectangle overlap, out AdvCollisionInfo info))
    // Do something