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the birds that can move and carry an item

Table of contents

  1. How do they work?
    1. Types
    2. Adding/changing/removing a raven
    3. Steps (without Worldsmith)
  2. Next up

How do they work?

Ravens use a sequence of multiple positions and can be used to “carry” and “drop items” paired with a graphic showing a raven. The raven will get scared away by getting very close to it, from the current position it will move to the following one.

This will repeat until there are no more positions. You can modify to have it drop an item before flying away for the last time.


You can have up to 4 different ravens in your level, which are the following:

TypeUsed in
ravenThe Main Babe’s dark raven
white_ravenThe New Babe Plus’ white raven
flyThe really annoying fly in Ghost of the Babe
tsuchinokoThe red bird with human feet in Ghost of the Babe

Adding/changing/removing a raven

Adding, changing or removing a raven has not been yet implemented inside Worldsmith. If you’d like to add, change or remove a raven, consider looking out the Steps (without Worldsmith).

Steps (without Worldsmith)

Customizing a raven’s texture

To customize use the following image as base for your raven:


Use the second and fourth row (from top to bottom) with the item that you have in mind to use for the raven to carry.

Once done customizing it:

  1. Convert the image into a packed XNB file.
  2. Name it based on what raven you want to use.
  3. Place the file in props/textures/raven and replace the file.

Customizing a raven’s details

  1. Navigate to props/textures/raven and open the raven’s ravset file (it’s an xml file).
  2. Replace the item value as your chosen Item.

    If you want you can replace the fly_sfx to either bird_fly, white_bird_fly or bug_fly depending which flight sound effect you want to have.

Customizing a raven’s path

Make sure you have a list of screen numbers and relative positions for your raven to spawn in.

  1. Navigate to props/textures/raven and open the raven’s ravset file (it’s an xml file).
  2. If it’s your first time creating a raven’s path, delete every single RavenPosition present.
  3. Copy the following snippet:
  4. Replace YOUR_RAVEN_SCREEN with the first screen number position.
  5. Replace YOUR_RAVEN_X_POSITION and YOUR_RAVEN_Y_POSITION with the respective relative position, you might want to tinker this later if it’s not precise.
  6. If it has the treasure, set YOUR_RAVEN_HAS_TREASURE to true, otherwise set it to false.

    If the raven was set to true in the previous position, setting it to false will make it drop the carrying item.

  7. Replace YOUR_LOOK_DIRECTION to either Left or Right.
  8. Replace YOUR_FLY_DIRECTION to either Left or Right.
  9. Repeat Step 3 for each raven position.

Removing a raven

While you can’t inherently remove the files of the raven and that will get rid of your raven there is a tricky way to get it to not spawn in the visible area.

  1. Navigate to props/textures/raven and open the raven’s ravset file (it’s an xml file).
  2. Delete every RavenPosition tags.
  3. If you encounter issues by opening the game, add the following RavenPosition in a new line after the opening tag of positions:

Next up
