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Introduction to the Workshop

what you need to know to get started.

Table of contents

  1. What is the Workshop?
  2. What is a level?
    1. The level hierarchy
  3. What is a skin?
    1. Single skin or set?
    2. Single skin hierarchy
    3. Skin set hierarchy
  4. Next up

What is the Workshop?

The Steam Workshop is designed as a place for all Jump King fans and community members to participate in the creation and use of content such as levels, skins and so on for Jump King!

Workshop Image

What is a level?

A level is additional content that can be played just like New Babe Plus and Ghost of the Babe.

Level example

The example above shows a portion of a screen from the level “Babe of the Heavens” by Meea.

The level hierarchy

A level is made up by a folder with a bunch of files and folders inside of it.

The structure is too complex to show, since it’s over 50 files in their own folders.
Believe me here, you don’t want to see it. Everything will be explained later anyway.

If you really want to see the structure, navigate inside all the Sample custom level folders.

A downloaded level shows up in Jump King like the following from the Workshop menu.

Level menu example

What is a skin?

A skin is a cosmetic that replaces one or multiple existing item’s texture.

Skin example Set example

Single skin or set?

If you are looking to skin one single item, you should do a single skin.
Otherwise if you are looking to skin multiple items, what you need is a skin set.

Single skin hierarchy

A single skin is made up by a folder with group of files:

  • a configuration file always called cosmetic_settings.xml that tells the game, which item skins, its enable state and the filename;
  • the packed/converted XNB file that contains the skin, the name should the same as stated as the filename in the configuration file above;
  • the steam thumbnail; (optional, for ease of use)

Following the example, this could be a possible outcome for a single skin:

📂 Brown Tunic
 ┣ 📜 cosmetic_settings.xml
 ┣ 📦 Brown Tunic.xnb
 ┗ 🖼 banner.png

Skin set hierarchy

A skin set is made up by a folder with group of files:

  • a configuration file always called set_settings.xml that tells the game, which items are skinned, its enable state and the filenames of all skins;
  • all the packed/converted XNB files that contains the set, the names should the same as stated as the filename in the configuration file above; (for ease of use you should use a format to easily find which packed file is a skin, just like the following example)
  • the steam thumbnail; (optional, for ease of use)

Following the example, this could be a possible outcome for a skin set:

📂 Jing
 ┣ 📜 set_settings.xml
 ┣ 📦 Jing_Crown.xnb
 ┣ 📦 Jing_Shoes.xnb
 ┣ 📦 Jing_Cape.xnb
 ┗ 🖼 banner.png

You could think of this as multiple single skins with one unified configuration file.

Next up

Get all your requirements before starting and read the guidelines.