All documentation changelogs
- 2024.09
Added getting started section for tilesets and mods.
Added first steps pages for tilesets and mods.
Reorganized mod making page to accomodate the first steps page.
Added step-by-step guide on how to create a mod and tileset in the first steps.
Added the Tileset Making documentation.
Added step-by-step guide on how to install Harmony to an existing mod.
Added changelog page for older changes.
Added step-by-step guide to add a scrolling image, world item, NPCs, merchants, messages, props, hidden wall props and audio pieces on a screen.
- 2024.08
Added mods that use Harmony as example.
- 2024.05
Fixed Right wind gradients color text (thanks to .Gotch(ごっち)!)
Added vertical scrolling images!
- 2024.04
Updated status from beta to release candidate.
Updated all pages distinguishing Worldsmith steps to non-Worldsmith steps.
Removed particles page to redistribute content between the Screens and Blocks page.
Added step-by-step guides (with images) on everything that has been implemented on Worldsmith.Added step-by-step guide on how to create a level and skin in the first steps.
Distinguisting Worldsmith steps to non-Worldsmith steps.
Updated publishing and updating pages to add Worldsmith guide.
Added Worldsmith to the list of tools.
- 2024.02
Added the Mod Making documentation (thanks to PhantomBadger!)
Fixed minor details in Props, Screens and First steps on level and skins (thanks to Cloudy!)
- 2024.01
Released as part of the open beta